How to Heal Dermatitis
Dermatitis is a skin condition that causes inflammation, redness, and irritation. It can range from mild patches of dry skin to more severe flare-ups that cause discomfort and itching. While dermatitis can be frustrating to deal with, there are natural ways to soothe your skin and support healing. At TWYG, we believe in addressing skin concerns with ingredients derived from nature to restore balance and health.
Start by figuring out what could be causing your flare-ups — harsh soaps, synthetic fabrics, or even certain foods. Switching to gentle, natural skincare products and breathable, organic fabrics like cotton or bamboo can make a big difference.
Healthy skin starts from the inside. A healthy gut plays a big role in your skin’s overall condition. Research shows that imbalances in gut bacteria can trigger inflammation, leading to flare-ups. Supporting your gut with probiotics and prebiotics can reduce inflammation and improve your skin’s resilience. By also eating foods that reduce inflammation, like antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, omega-3s from salmon or flaxseeds, and probiotics, you help support your skin’s natural healing abilities. Foods like yoghurt and sauerkraut are excellent options for boosting gut health and, in turn, your skin.
Stress is a common trigger for dermatitis. Incorporating calming practices like meditation, yoga, or taking walks in nature can reduce stress and help manage flare-ups. Keeping your stress levels low may lower cortisol production, a known contributor to skin inflammation.
TWYG’s skincare collection features natural ingredients with Bioactive Totarol™, a powerful antioxidant derived from the Totara tree in New Zealand. These products work synergistically to soothe and nourish dermatitis-prone skin:
Restorative Hydration Cream (3.5% Bioactive Totarol): Deeply hydrates while reducing inflammation and protecting the skin.
Renewing Antioxidant Facial Oil (3.0% Bioactive Totarol): Locks in moisture while protecting against environmental damage.
Healing dermatitis naturally requires a combination of the right skincare and lifestyle changes. With TWYG Skincare’s Bioactive Totarol™ products, you can soothe, heal, and protect your skin while embracing nature’s potent remedies. Discover our collection of powerful skincare here.